The Finish Line | Teen Ink

The Finish Line

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Ignoring the sweat and blood
On my face,
Numb to the tears
Caressing my stinging wounds
With touches of lace,
My legs buckling
At each contact
With the ground--

I keep going.

My head’s telling me desperately
To stop,
Raging a battle with my sentimental heart.
A heart that can't handle
Even one more measly pump--

I keep going.

THIS is how I can
Change the world.
This is how I can
To give my all
No matter what.
Fall down 2 times,
Stand up 3.

So, I drag my feet,
Whatever it takes.
I focus on the goal
Not a toe touches the brakes.

While others skip
And traipse through
The race,
I keep my eye on the prize,
And quicken my pace.

And if I keep going,
Keep pushing,
Against all common sense,
I know I'll hit
The finish line.

And that will have made
All the difference.

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