Youths Ate the Little Mermaid | Teen Ink

Youths Ate the Little Mermaid

March 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Youths ate the Little Mermaid,
Great Values overpower the displaced.
Alledged teacher misconduct.
Do Nothing.
Instincts of licensed gun holders,
Tasteless God questions their freedom,
Marijuana isn't safe,
Bush favors nuclear weapons?
Silly Peace.
It's pathetic.
Beer-pong hijacks community,
The responsible fools.
Tears kiss New Orleans,
Poisonous and fresh GOP ethics woes,
Talk catastrophe.
Graceless women displays lie, half-truth,
Can you?
Critical Discipline threatening,
Fight global warming
Still finding bias eyes.
Loaded crime.
Introducing a funhouse.

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