I'm In My House | Teen Ink

I'm In My House

March 13, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm in my house
That seems so bare
I feel so pitiful
And so weak
Being in an empty room
Trying to solve my problems,
But it never working
I try and try
But it never goes right in the end
Recently I gave a poem
That I made on my own
To a Boy who I thought was nice
It told my feeling, that I had only a crush
And Now, I feel crushed
I considered it would make me stronger if I told him.
I just feel weaker.
I ponder the thought if I would be happier if I told him
I just feel like I'm in a tight room
No doors, no windows
Upon me is like a corset, set on very tight
I can't breathe.
I lay on the floor crying,
It seems I do that a lot
I don't mean too
But I feel so sad, so weak
I can't help it anymore
I just wanted to know
What it was,
For the person to know that I like him
For that person to know, how I look at him.
I just want to know how he looks at me?
Is it the same as everyone else?
Or can he see, beyond what they couldn't?
A tear rolls down my face
As I remembered the last time someone found out
I was chased everyday for that year.
It made me depressed
It was my first crush
I thought it would be my last
Until I met a young man in high school
But I knew it wouldn't happen
I knew that if I had a crush on him
Then I wouldn't see him again,
Kind of like the last crush.

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