Sugar and Spice | Teen Ink

Sugar and Spice

January 19, 2013
By toofastforlove.xo BRONZE, Ayrshire, Other
toofastforlove.xo BRONZE, Ayrshire, Other
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I dive and scuff my knees to catch the apples merely seconds before they tumble,
I examine them and handpick the best, they must be pretty and rich lime green.
I skip back to you through the beanstalk grass jungle all the while cautious
of the burny stingy nettles who hiss and guard the sunny daffodils that I mischievously uproot.
I earn a sweet smile and a ruffle of my hair as I am playfully scooped up and carried inside.
Swirly steam of the hot, fruity scent spirals around the oven,
the smell seeps through the air to my button nose.
The crumble is golden, sprinklings of caster sugar glisten on top
like tiny diamonds winking at me.
I look up at my upside down reflection in the giant spoon as you shovel my piece into a bowl.
Next we make jam and I sit up on the work top next to the giant cauldron,
the squished strawberries and sugar brew, bubble and blubber then splatter in hot speckles
on my arm, I observe with fascination as you make a whirlpool in the pot with a wooden spoon
"to spot it from sticking," you teach me.

After a nap its story time, the crunchy rustle of the pristine paper occupies me
as I speedily scribble down my story. I illustrate my tale with drawings of sheep,
cows and horses before autographing the bottom in pretty pink,
you write along with me proudly and we swap our happily ever after’s.
I climb and scramble up on your arched shoulders like a baby monkey
to groom and comb your silver hair.
Now its home time and I wave bye bye, "I'll see you tomorrow"

The animals are secretive today, no bahs, moos, neighs or clucks to greet me.
The house is bulky, empty; the patter of my little steps causes a slow pulse of echoes.
Everyone is hushed with heads bowed; their eyes are big, shiny, bursting like frog spawn,
I explore alone in the suddenly unfamiliar garden, the sun is out but the sky is dull and melancholy.
I lose my balance and stumble and tumble backwards
into a thick bed of spiky nettles with bared teeth and exposed claws.
Lumpy bumps swell up in fiery red patches; they ripple and throb across my back as I cry.
Without you, I can't recognize which leaves will remedy the pain
I roam through the maze of tangled forest and search but I can't find you.

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