Atop a Mountain | Teen Ink

Atop a Mountain

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

The world beneath me
kissing the sky
below me, never ending valleys
and forests
while above me pure blue and creamy white.
I feel as though I can step onto the mist billowing below me.
A friendly bird sings in tempo with the rustling of the wind through the tree tops.
A small untamed wriggles its way into the distance.
The spruce trees have fresh new buds at the end of their branches reminding me of the never-ending prosperity of nature.
Looking below, I see a road laid out like a snake in the sun.
This reminds me how separated we are from nature as a society.
I wonder, what have I been missing out on ?
Opportunities I have not created, and how lucky I am to be here now.
My heart longs for my mothers hug, sisters laugh and
my fathers voice, but now more than ever I feel at home.

The author's comments:
I went to this camp In colorado. I wrote this while I was on a 7 day backpacking trip in the Lizard head wilderness.

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