Teary-Eyed Angel | Teen Ink

Teary-Eyed Angel

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

She can't see the light
Can''t get anything right
You think she's strong
I think you're wrong
If she were so strong
The days wouldn't be so long
Through the nights that she cries
Her eyes would be dry
She doesn't say a word
But inside she hurts
Too much painfor a girl
Only looking to fit in this world
She looks up at the skies
And closes her brown eyes
She prays for just one day
When things are fine people stay
A bit of her dies
When she closes her eyes
At the close of each day
When her tears fall away

The author's comments:
I come from a very hard place to be and this was written when I felt lost or trapped....I write to help me deal with my pain its my way of "cutting" or stuff like that...Its a healthy way for me to deal with everything that goes on

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