A Second Mother | Teen Ink

A Second Mother

August 16, 2008
By Anonymous

A Second Mother

A babysitter
With a gentle smile and white hair
Who treated me with great care.
She had a heart of stone
And a voice in a loud, high tone.
She had hands of a farmer
Very strong and rough,
Her tongue so sharp,
And her eyes watching me
With a long stare.
She caught every mistake I made
And warned me with a scold,
"Don't do that again!" she said.
She gets mad easily
Pretty quickly.
Years had passed, and she grew older
Yet stronger.
Soon, her memory of the past will fade
And everything will be normal.
Aside from her stone heart,
She is caring and lovable,
Funny and laughable,
admiring and respectable.
Her eyes twinkle when she is happy
And her laugh is very jolly.
She always there for me
And I realized that she wasn't just a
but a second mother.

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