Slaughterhouse-Five | Teen Ink


August 17, 2008
By Anonymous

The bomb was dropped on Dresden
The soil rises in alarm
The upheaval of earth screams outward
Thrashing with a furious forward march
Each home is turned to rubble
Each body turned to ash
One man in a dugout, buried in the thunderous crash
Swooping over the city
Carrying a death like ancient ruins
The gently raining earth heavy with sulfuric fumes

The weight of a letter in a sooty breast pocket
Across an ocean where resting with the post mark is
The booty of war and reason for this deafening bliss
A child fighting for a home now rightfully his
Read from the burning fat of prisoners of war
A light in the dark of a political storm
But ever flowing was that gust I know
The aftermath was a summer breeze from home
Your gentle words a burning hand against my skeletal cheek
Flames of hope licked with hungry ecstasy
Still this destruction rains down around me
in the chaos I have bliss from mourning
I find reason for silence and my cerebral drowns in the tribal droning
Now, starring death in the eye I’m not so lonely
I see all the beauty and ugliness of the world
As one whole body
Thrashing and gusting in the chains of humanity
It is unstoppable in its monstrous clothing
The sirens eating pavement as they burrow towards me
I smile in the end
For all the knowing

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