Balance | Teen Ink


August 17, 2008
By Anonymous

To and fro the raven sways,
Here and there the tiger stays,
Both while in a hidden daze,
Avoiding the serpent’s red-eyed gaze.

The tiger stops to stretch his paws,
The raven stops to sharp his claws,
Neither seems to see nor care,
The serpent with the red-eyed glare.

Here the tiger, big and mighty,
Claws and teeth both clean and tidy.
A little dense, but wins a fight,
Backed up by his master’s light.

To the raven black and small,
Barely seems to talk at all.
Though going with the cluttered flow,
Skulls in hell intrigue him so.

There the snake with demon eyes,
In the bushes there he lies.
Hidden there with teeth of knives,
Preparing to take on more poor lives.

One two three, then at last,
The raven is now of the past.
Swallowed in the hate and lies,
Hidden by the painful cries.

The tiger halts to see the snake,
To see the attack death now makes.
And in one move the tiger’s dead,
While life and death are both well fed.

To and fro death now sways,
Here and there the living stays,
Both while in a blurry rage,
Thrashing in a chained-up cage

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