would you? | Teen Ink

would you?

August 18, 2008
By jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

would you ever paint the sky
a mixture of baby blue and pale white
would you ever hold me tightly
pressed up against your warm chest
me listening to the slow ponding of your heart
would you ever play in the rain
drops of moister dabbed and dotted throughout your hair
would you ever claim me
as yours and nobody elses
would you ever enhale and exhale as if its your last breath
would you ever set the sun
set it above my window every evening that we spend together
would you ever kiss me slowly
don't rush!!!
instead savor it and make it last
would you ever dodge my love
just ignore me completly
would you ever make me smile
smile and laugh until i cry
would you ever skip a day
every second wasted
we could lye in the grass
and watch the sky
would you ever stay with me
hold me tight in your arms as the rain hits the ground outside
would you ever give me the moon
let me explore our atmosphere
and dance along the light of day
would you ever love me truely
never let me go
fill me with joy
laughter,smiles,tears,butterflys,and so much more
and can you who ironicly just came into exsistance
and i who hears nothing but the slow ponding of your heart come todether
and love one another
for even a short period of time
or shall we make it last
savor it all
would you?

The author's comments:
this poem was written about my wonderful bf chris appling...i love you chris

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