Lemon Stains | Teen Ink

Lemon Stains

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

When life gives you lemons,
that are rotten through and through,
it might take a while
for you to wake up new.

The stains some lemons leave behind,
won't come off with bleach.
The enormous pain of these stains
will drain you like a leech.

Just let the stain soak a while
(this may take forever and a day), and as a tip, yellow never was
you color anyway.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when it seemed like I was aginst all odds in everything. Lemons just seemed appropriate because they are sour and the scent from the juice is hard to get out of your clothes. So, this is kind of helping you with laundry and moving on in life. :)

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