Singularity | Teen Ink


August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I can't tell you
because its a secret
I can't tell you
unless you keep it
I can't tell you
because it's not time
I can't tell you
because I know you'll never be mine
I can't tell you
this will go away
I can tell you
I'm here to stay
I can't tell you
that I'm the one
I can tell you
you're second to none
I can't tell you
that I cried
I can tell you
I never lied
I can't tell you
how I fell
I can tell you
this is real

There is so much I want to tell you but its never the right time and I think it will never be. I wish things could change between you and me. I want us to be something we can never be.

I sit and wait for the day that things will go my way. These feeling they hide but never go away.

I know I shouldn't tell you any of this. I know I'm taking a great big risk.

I'm always afraid of what you might say. All I can do is sit and pray.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a girl who I could never tell her how I feel. I wish she could feel the same way about me but we are just best friends.

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