the day so long the night not long enough | Teen Ink

the day so long the night not long enough

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

the day so long the nights not long enough what could this single life worth being to live to die to learn and love is that what life has brought me here to do or is it something more could there be more then we know far out there whats this meaning of life why are we here why do we breath is it fate or magic do we dwell in the deepest darkest parts in our souls not seeing not knowing or is this all to know all to live for life the days so long the days so short.

The author's comments:
hi i hope poeple liked my poem its the first i have ever put out for poeple to see i have always had one question on my mind what is beyond the known and beyond that also what are we ment to be here for that inspired me to right this poem see the even simpleist thing work keep trying people and never give up!!!

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