Picking Flowers From The Sky | Teen Ink

Picking Flowers From The Sky

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

The surface surrenders my body,
the deep blues of the sea and the sky,
take me further from it all,
I am forgotten,
freedom of comfort is stripped,
my body captures the summer warmth,
held within me is truth,
I walk far from the path,
they dug us a canal to float down,
it all empties out somewhere,
they’ll never find me here,
dancing from moment to moment,
noticing the air and how I am suspended,
like paper,
with nothing written on the page,
blank like the gutted expression,
that lies in strangers faces,
I see within the flesh,
I look past the deceptive smile,
in the forest of my dreams,
we are all laughing,
welcome to life,
smell the atmosphere,
it’s the lingering scent of existence,
take my hand and explore the forest,
we will laugh and laugh,
then ill carry on,
spreading like a flower before it is given life,
someday I will rest,
I will bloom,
I will be beautiful,
every passerby will be captivated,
in my blissful grasp,
I gently release from my past and my present,
I die,
they no longer look,
but merely pass by.

The author's comments:
this poem is about life, you live and you die, anything that lives and flourishes will inevitably grow old and die. i believe this poem will show people how precious every moment of life is.

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