In This House | Teen Ink

In This House

January 9, 2008
By Anonymous

in this house lies a sercet untold
and this chilling secret is to be told ...

In this house holds a family
Neighbors think everything is fine and dandy
but what they don't see is the abuse
the mother tried to leave but thinks whats the use?
his hitting his wife effects the daughter
at school the secrets begin to haunt her
releasing the pain she digs the blade within
she wants to escape this hell-hole but doesn't know how or when
as the years go by things get worse
the sin gets bigger and the secrets still lurk
the family doesn't know each other anymore,
for the love they had for each other left at the door
now the beatings turn to the daughter,
and every night she prays that this will falter
everyday arguments and cruel words are being said
hatred making her wish that he was dead
one day her wish had become true
and she changed into somebody she never knew
another year goes by and she's ready to depart
with happy tears she leaves with a new start
knowing she'll have a better life without a doubt
she leaves the shattering life and untold secrets in this house ...

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