How Does It Feel To Be In Love? | Teen Ink

How Does It Feel To Be In Love?

April 26, 2008
By Anonymous

So, how does it feel?

Do you see me as you look up at the sky,
As you gaze out into the stars,
Do you see my face?

I feel it too,
It feels so strange.
So different from anything ever before.

I find myself thinking of you every day,
Can’t pay attention to reality.

You are my joy,
My strength,
My weakness.

Do you feel goose bumps every time you see me?
Is there a chill going up your spine every time we touch?

How does it feel?

Is it so different that you can’t tell?
Is it like waiting through a hailstorm?
Is it like walking on hot coal?

Or is it more like flying through clouds of cotton candy?
Is it like seeing the miracle of first dawn?

So, how does it feel?
How does it feel to be in love?

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