Black (Color Poem) | Teen Ink

Black (Color Poem)

February 19, 2013
By PeppermintFizz GOLD, Oakley, California
PeppermintFizz GOLD, Oakley, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful."
--Thich Nhat Hanh

"As long as you live keep smiling because it brightens everybody's day."
--Vin Scully

"You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile."
--Evan Esar

"Today, give a stranger"Don't cry because it's over, SMILE because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss

Black is the color of my hair
If you say you hate me, I don't care

Black is the color that I feel
I can see death, It is very real

I always see people wear black
When they see the light, They take a step back

Black is the color of peoples eyes
While the little girl falls, she constantly cries

As the evil people see her cry
They feel bad,wallow and die..

The author's comments:
Felt depressed, wrote a color that explains it. I constantly feel this way, almost all the time. When I do, this is how I feel. A lot of people would expect me to be happy and cheerful all the time. You can't if something is bringing you down.

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