Satin Dreams | Teen Ink

Satin Dreams

August 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Alone she sits, crouched low on the wooden floor
Dressed as a ballerina, a childhood dream, a childhood wish
Dressed in cotton candy pink slippers
Puffy ruffled tutu, a tight bun atop her head
It’s what they do, dress pretty and dance
Swift, effortless moves

Alone she dreams, of a better tomorrow
The day where someone will lend her a hand
A place someone will offer her a home
The sight she’s dreamt of for years
Music only ballerinas appreciate
The fabric of pink satin to bless her fingers

Alone she cries, her face cuddled in the palms of her hands
Her dreams fly out of her soul like the tears down her face
She’s fragile, inside and out
Forever broken like the glass inside her
No one sees her, not even those close
She dares not speak the horrors of tomorrow

Alone she waits, all by herself in the shadows of the room
Quiet as a mouse, her lips never utter a word
Pretty pale skin, soft as a baby’s bottom
Faces see an immature teen lost in the past
A child seen through understanding eyes
A helpless child left in the dust of yesterday

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