Expression: What Do I Do? | Teen Ink

Expression: What Do I Do?

August 26, 2008
By Anonymous

The artists convey their emotions or beliefs through their artwork.
The writers simply create an essay or poem.
The singers compose lyrics and discover the perfect beat-and chant exquisitely.
What do I do?

The well-rounded individuals gain knowledge-and search for what there is left to know.
The bakers simply purchase the renowned baking books-and are instructed to whip up appetizing cake.
There I lay on the ground starring at the sky-my mind wishes to know.
What do I do?

Throughout the course of my life-this is what I have seen.
Ordinary individuals living their lives and expressing their opinions through their talents or even professions.
Yet, there I am, standing in the mist of what they're creating.
I am still wondering how they manage to do it.
What DO I do?

This is the thought I carry with me to the grave-
Wishing to only tell those what they meant to me,
and the passion I felt for them.
What was I suppose to do?

The author's comments:
After an remarkable exchange-and a few affective words...I was inspired to write this poem.

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