I am tainted | Teen Ink

I am tainted

August 27, 2008
By Anonymous

I am tainted

no longer white as snow

no longer without spot or blemish

I am tainted

hardened by rancid and putrid emotions

My heart blackend by hatred

I am tainted

My love has waxed cold

No longer mighty pillars which withstood the test of time

The foundations of my affections have crumbled

Trampled under foot and Deacyed into nothingness

Rejoicingly conforming to insanity

My perspective shows no clarity

For I behold life through eyes of vanity

I have shaken hands with jealousy

Made pledge with envy

Succumbing to the evils of my mind

I've Taken arms with rage and followed suit to chaos

Assuring numerous years of splendid servitude

I am tainted

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