Pain | Teen Ink


August 28, 2008
By Danielle Autrey BRONZE, Princeton, Texas
Danielle Autrey BRONZE, Princeton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I’m becoming older
The world around me is
Shaping up to be this
Cruel place to live in.
People just don’t understand me these days.
I know they’re not mind readers,
But damn, I’m going crazy
Because they won’t even try to listen.
I keep running around,
Like a chicken with his head cut off,
Searching for the answers.
But none of them seem to be the right one.
My friends keep telling me,
That everything is going to be OKAY!
But I know for a fact
That that is not right because,
Everything has already gone wrong in my life.
So I resort to my happy place,
Which is in the dark corner,
Of my closet,
Underneath the pile of clothes.
As I’m curled up in a ball with my razor.
So that no one can find me,
As I’m flushing my life away…..
Good Bye!

The author's comments:
this piece that I wrote was inspired by my best friend, Liz, when she was going through hard times and was almost at the point of hurting herself. It's sad I know put poetry is not always happy!

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