I'm mealy falling up | Teen Ink

I'm mealy falling up

August 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Don't catch me if I'm falling down,
forget who you want to be under the clouds,
I'm not a fallen star,
no wish of yours will I grant.

My voice rumbles the Earth,
take your shadow down the sewer
by the hand of your negative spirit
let you darkness drain your evil soul,
bleed into the sewage.

Would you know that it's ok,
my voice gave me wings of freedom
and courage to believe.

My voice rumbles the Earth,
I wasn't this way always,
quiet, always unawake,
too confused to understand.

Take you shadow down the sewer
by the hand of your negative spirit
let you darkness drain your evil soul,
bleed into the sewage.

Would you know that it's ok.
My voice gave me wings of freedom
and the courage to

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