Been There | Teen Ink

Been There

August 20, 2008
By Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Been There
You give up on something you love
Because someone tells you it won’t be enough
To carry you through
I’ve been there
Care for someone with all your might
Just to have them walk out of your life
Without caring for you
I’ve been there
Miss out on the day
When someone important is taken away
Unable to say goodbye
For that one last time
I’ve been there
Lose someone in your life
Before its there proper time
Unable to understand what
Caused them to commit suicide
I’ve been there
Hit some really rough times in your life
Believing that you’re the only one
Who can ever understand the pain and strife
We’ve all been there

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