Holding the Love | Teen Ink

Holding the Love

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Two weeks gone by
But it all seems unreal
The world passes by
While we just sit here and deal
I wonder into the night
Is this all true?
I can’t stop thinking
Trying to imagine a life without you
I go back to those days
A smile forming with me
As I remember all of those things
I think to myself
How can this be?
You taught me so much
I’ll never forget
Those lessons of life
That you said as we met
Never give up
You showed me
Fight ‘til the end
You told me
I cherish those moments
We had one on one
Even though we were never as close
I never felt alone
That, I will always love about you
I wouldn’t be the same
And in a good way this time
You’re the one to blame
Now, I can see
You’ll always be here
In our hearts you’ll live
The thing we hold so dear
Those priceless moments
An eternity they will survive
Your love never forgotten
All throughout life
And here I won’t say goodbye
I’ll just wait until we meet again
Up there in heaven
I hold onto your love until then

The author's comments:
I would like to dedicate this poem to my belated grandfather. I wrote this poem exactly two weeks after his passing. His was the first death that I had ever experienced, so I was very confused about what to feel, what to think, or what to do. The poem basically follows that time when I went from mourning to remembering to understanding our love.

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