Days into life, Life into days. | Teen Ink

Days into life, Life into days.

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Kassie, 18 yrs.

Days into life
Life into days

I wonder if there is an easy way?

I sit here and wunder shifting through my thaughts.

Is it just me or is he truely a loss?

Days into life
Life into days

i sit here in a dark and crazy hazz.

Was it wrong of me, to care so much, to love and kiss, and yern for his touch.

i feel so stupid, i feel so dumb how could i have thaught that we could have been one.

i hurt so bad deep down inside, i just want to curl p into a ball and hide.

But i know one day the sun wil shine and i will be wrapped around in the arms of the one that i call mine.

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