Invisible Me | Teen Ink

Invisible Me

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I stand in the center of attention
That I am always, how can I
Unparalleled, and lonely
Amongst all my entities

Here I am, with
everything a kid
could want, the luxury,
parents who care, friends,
the things which are not
necessities, the things which
are necessities, except these
which are given to make me
feel good are indeed good in
the sense of good but yet do
know make me feel acknowledged

There are things in
which some will just
never understand
You think you see me
Yet I feel like a secret
which is truly kept secret and untold.

I stand in the center or attention
That I am always, how can I
Unparalleled and lonely.

The author's comments:
I am only 17 years old; I began writing poetry last fall. I had no idea that I could write poetry until my English teacher noticed potential in my writing and asked me to join her creative writing class. This piece "Invisible Me" was originally just some of my thoughts and feeling that I jotted in my journal. I feel like the family and friends who surround me everyday never realize my pain and loneliness, I use to live a pretty ruff life in a very poor low class family but recently my best friends mother who happened to be a decently wealthy individual came into my life and saved me from the poverty ahead of me. I live with people and go to school with people who have never seen the downside of life, everyone around me comes from a wealthy background. My friends have the perfect life and cars and houses. Now I even have 3 nice houses but most of the times as my poem say I feel unparalleled and lonely. I believe that enough money can buy you happiness but that’s not my case. Sometimes I wish that if I could die and live again to walk in a better shoe then I would close my eyes in 1 one thousand, 2…

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