slipping away with gun in hand | Teen Ink

slipping away with gun in hand

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I have watched my life
from beginning to end
I see how far I've slipped
and how my mind has begun to bend

I wrote a note to the world tonight
I stood on my roof and screamed it from the top of my lungs
as I began to wonder if I would ever see a sunset as beautiful as this
I greatly wish this to have been avoided
but there's nothing left of my life

The last sun set I am viewing is the most wonderful spectacle I have ever seen
I can almost imagine it being worth staying for if they were all like this
If only every day I could have woken up to this
To see the true beauty of the world
but tonight is the end my friend

The black weapon felt so heavy in my hands
I knew there would be sadness
but I knew that the escape and the relief was beyond imagination
I screamed at the top of my lungs
too everyone who had brought me to this point
and most importantly
I screamed it to myself

The end is near,
its all i could say
the end is near
I'm slipping away
with a full clip
and no reason to stay
the clip remained full
that's all i can say

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