breaking | Teen Ink


August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

What are you supposed to do when it feels as
if the whole world has been taken from you?
Forgotten souls breaking apart through distance
Miraculous works of lies of splendor
Hope to relive the once unbearably shocking moments
If only to mold our pasts together through brokenness
Scratch out the eyes of the non-believers and grasp for my heart
No one needs to confirm our future
The present is still in out hands
Tell me something is still lying beneath this distorted façade
Lie with me under the stars and replace old memories
Be my question I’ll be your answer
Run with me embrace our falls
Pick up the pieces of what we shattered blamelessly among our lives
Renew the moments in which we shared
Masking out grief for what was to come
Apologies are not needed
Aimless thoughts will take us nowhere
If a second chance was granted
Would you still take it?
My mind reads of murder
Murder of love
Murder of friendship
Suicidal thought brew in my mind
Blood drips from this heart I once called mine
If you only knew I still call it yours…

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