Die For Me | Teen Ink

Die For Me

August 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Everynight a desire to dream,
put me to bed,asleep,
there flows the sparkling water of the stream
look at the cloud shaped like a sheep.

Red petals lay on my way,
soft feets,these innocent eyes,
a castle that i can see, what does this all trying to say ?

Calm breeze blows at night,
stars that shine bright,
I sence a lovely face I wonder what a sight.
I gasp Hard,long to touch before light.

A voice rings my ear,
vision breaks and its no might night
leaves my heart with happy tears
but everything had disappeared with morning light.

The author's comments:
My name is Shivleen. I started to write poems an year back . I came up with lots of poem and one of them which was selected and published a while back. My poems have a deep meaning .I try to submitt my dreams and my feeling in a poem, doing my best.

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