This World | Teen Ink

This World

August 23, 2008
By Anonymous

If you think about it
This world's not all that big.
It seems like there are millions of people living,
But when you really look around,
There is no one around you.

If you think about it,
This world's not all that exciting.
People driving on in their own lives,
But to where are they heading?
All their efforts vanish as they drive on the endless road.

If you really think about it,
The world's not all that friendly.
Who's on your side and who're your foes?
Who loves you and who doesn't?
They come running to you with wide open arms,
Only to toss you away when they had sucked all the sweetness out of you.

Just sit down and take a look,
And you'll see that the world's not all that great.
Behind the smiles you see evils.
Under the covers you find sins.
Don't trust this world,
Because it is not all that great.

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