Black Nightengale | Teen Ink

Black Nightengale

August 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Darkness is a complement to light
And yet, like death, it is feared
Many run from that which we cannot hide
And deny our lives and faith in pride

When our lifeblood stops
We cannot see that we have only begun
On a journey unto eternity
Where the faithful praise their God joyfully

What can we know of yonder tree?
With fruits of Good and Evil?
So Avalon awaits the return of a king
To this doth cold black nightingale shall sing

And now we see our lives and faults
Shall we live in fear of death?
Or like e’re songful nightingale
Shall we sing our mournful wale?

Fear not, for the Lord calls the
To his side where you shall finally rest
From storm and crash and aisling gale
Those who have been called by that black nightingale

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