Heavy | Teen Ink


August 24, 2008
By Anonymous

its dark and I start to think
about the kisses on my neck
and your head on my chest
and my heart beating fast in your ears.

when silence takes over
the buzzing in my mind turns to your voice.
and I miss your heavy words
its their weight that brought this on

heavy limbs, heavy head, Heavy Heart
but my mind is a fast moving car
and I'm only a passenger along for the ride.

The author's comments:
This piece is one that I promised myself that I would never share with anyone. It was to much a show of emotion, to much a show of weakness; however, I now feel differently. It is a window into my mind, into the exact thoughts and feelings I had at that moment. It is a fragment of a memory from the past, and all memories (good or bad) should be cherished.

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