Cold After The Burn | Teen Ink

Cold After The Burn

September 5, 2008
By Anonymous

On occasion, you have called me bitter
Because a sarcastic tongue I would use
And my eyes rarely show signs of glitter
You scorn me for my pessimistic views.

In age and body I am not so old
But I have grown wise beyond my few years.
You say my heart is unbearably cold
But you have never stopped to count my tears.

I have seen more than my share of heartache
And there are many tales I will not tell
You want me to open up for your sake
I’m sorry for not hiding my pain well.

My affection is not easily earned
For I have a heart that has twice been burned.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by the book "This Lullaby" by Sarah Dessen. I didn't realize this until after I re-read what I wrote and realized how much it related to the character of Remy, and I was surprised. Either way, I think a lot of teenagers can relate to feeling a little bitter after heartbreak - I certainly can.

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