Freeing the Soul | Teen Ink

Freeing the Soul

August 31, 2008
By Anonymous

A true artistic soul,
Hiding behind a mask of teenage insecurity,
Isolated, though it sometimes seems,
By her own thoughts, fantasies, hopes and dreams.

As the sun shines through and dries the rain,
My writing helps warm my soul in a way that I can't explain,
I daydream about what my life could be,
And all my worries just melt away.

The author's comments:
Last school year was my first year in middle school,and with none of my friends in my classes,I felt shy and overwhelmed by all the really outgoing and "cool" kids that I met. To be honest,I had some paranoia of what they thought of me at first,though I soon outgrew it. I carried a journal around with me,daydreamed,and wrote poems like this,though on the outside I put on a mask and acted like I did in the beginning,just so I wouldn't cause a scene or draw atttention to myself by my secret confidence. Writing lets me be me as I still struggle with showing it to everyone else.Maybe someday I'll be able to show my classmates the real me,and share my writing with the world.

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