You Won't Find Me | Teen Ink

You Won't Find Me

September 1, 2008
By Anonymous

You won't find me walking down the street
Or at just any party.

I won't be at the local grocery store
Or at your favorite bar.

I won't be hanging at the mall
Or at your momma's church.

I'm not your average girl.
You can't just find me anywhere.

I put up a fight when needed,
And I won't beg you to stay.

I'm blunt,
But terrified to tell you how I really feel.

I cook and clean,
And watch the game on Sunday.

I believe in God,
But I'm nowhere near a saint.

I drink a little whiskey
And smoke too many cigarettes.

I don't trust very often,
And when I do, it's hard.

I don't wear designer clothes,
The jeans I wear are a little tight.

I'm a rough kind of woman,
In the bed and out.

I love to see you often,
But I need my time alone.

I'm beautiful,
But certainly no model.

I'll give you all my love,
But I'm still a little damaged.

You don't see me as the girl to keep around,
And believe me, I won't cry when you leave,
But you'll be sorry later on,
And you'll realize you missed out
On the good thing.

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