My Hopes for You | Teen Ink

My Hopes for You

September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I hope you can walk
with your head held up high
I hope you can smile
At someone as they walk by
I hope you can love
Like no one has before
I hope you get your heart broken
But forgive, and go back for more
I hope that you can see
The beauty you keep inside
I hope that you can speak your mind
And not run away and hide
I hope you can stay strong
And love yourself enough
I hope you can smile through your tears
Even when its tough
Because I couldn't
Walk with my head held high
Because I didn't
Smile at someone as they walked by
Because I never could
Love like no one else before
Because I got my heart broken
But never returned for more
Because I never could see
The supposed beauty I had inside
Because I was too afraid
to speak my mind and not run away and hide
Because I let everything get to me
And did not love myself enough
But most of all I never
Could smile, especially when it was tough
This is what I hope for you
To make better decisions than I
Because before you know it
The time just flies on by.

The author's comments:
This poem is dedicated to three friends. I hope you can learn from my mistakes and shine like I know all of you can.

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