Most Teenagers Think | Teen Ink

Most Teenagers Think

April 10, 2013
By AbbaDabbaDoo PLATINUM, Mountain Grove, Missouri
AbbaDabbaDoo PLATINUM, Mountain Grove, Missouri
43 articles 6 photos 30 comments

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Some folks are wise and some are otherwise. I guess we know which one you are.

Most teenagers think,
That mothers are bad,
That mothers ruin lives,
And makes them sad.

They tell us to clean,
They tell us to bed,
They tell us to rise,
They know what’s been said.

They sneak in our rooms,
And look through our stuff,
They stalk our webpages,
And tell us life’s tough.

They say that we’re pretty,
And we tell them they lie,
But if they said we’re ugly,
We’d tell them goodbye.

So yes, most teenagers think,
That mothers are bad,
That mothers ruin lives,
And make them sad.

I think my mother,
And your mother, too,
Love us so much,
That they care what we do.

The author's comments:
Isn't this so true?


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 17 2013 at 1:20 pm
UsamaAhmed BRONZE, Lahore, Other
3 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's Better To Live A Day Like A Lion Than A Thousand Years Like A Jackal . (Tipu Sultan)

good one...