I try to bring out the best of me | Teen Ink

I try to bring out the best of me

September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I try to bring out the best of me
Serving your hungry body
Don't know what's blinding you
From seeing who I really am
I don't laugh or make fun
When you just put cheese on your sub
Or when you have a broken hand,
Cause we're all diffrent
You're from America, I'm from Africa,
He's from Mexico, she's from Asia,
We've got our own pain and family to feed

Yea, that's why God made everyone so diffrent
So we can learn to accept everbody's suffering
I know what you don't know,
You know what I don't know, we'll know someday
So let's all leave the judgement to the Lord
Cause He's the one who's got the final say

Well, it's hard to look the other way
When you see another human fall down
It's humaine to get up and lead a hand
Cause next time it might be you
Everybody's got one of those bad days
Let Jesus call your name,
When you're standing on the pearly gates
He'll check what you've done on earth
And there won't be any question asked

Yea, that's why God made everyone so diffrent
So we can learn to accept everbody's suffering
I know what you don't know,
You know what I don't know, we'll know someday
So let's all leave the judgement to the Lord
Cause He's the one who's got the final say

Take a little time to get to know me
I'll do the same, don't judge by what you see
We might come from the same country
But there's something that sets us apart
We'll all go to a same place in heaven
Will you seperate me from your crowd
And I don't think Jesus will allow

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