I was only... | Teen Ink

I was only...

September 5, 2008
By Anonymous

I was only nine
That dreary September day
When I watched the towers fall to the ground
And heard the whole world pray

I was only nine
When our country fell under attack
But I understood what had happened
And knew we must fight back

I was only twelve
When my uncle died in war
And his blood was shed on foreign land
After all the pain he bore

I was only twelve
When my family fell apart
When war tore us in two
And broke into my heart

I was only young
When I saw our country rise
To fight back at the enemy
Through all the pain and cries

I was only young
When I heard my country’s cries
When America fell into war
And I understood it through young eyes

The author's comments:
On September 20, 2004, when I was 12 years old, my family and I lost my uncle SSG Tony in Afghanastan. This even tore my family to pieces, especially us children since we were so young. The bombing of the World Trade Center also had a great impact on me, and the rest of the country. This poem tell how just because your young, it doesn't mean you don't understand what's going on.

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