I am... | Teen Ink

I am...

September 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I am…
I am a strong, confident girl, and for me failure is never an option
I wonder how it would feel to cut through the ocean waters on the back of a sleek dolphin
I hear the voices of the breezes as they pass through the trees
I see the sun rise and coat the world in its protective bright glow
I want everyone’s fairytale to become their reality.
I am a strong, confident girl, and for me failure is never an option

I pretend that my world is a story just waiting to be written
I feel the thrill of spotting my name on a bestselling novel
I touch the blank pages awaiting my unwritten thoughts
I worry that we will one day no longer know the true meaning of chasing our dreams
I cry thinking that people feel they have the right to destroy the dreams of others
I am a strong, confident girl, and for me failure is never an option

I understand that life is a gift and you never can tell where you will be tomorrow
I say each day is a blank page, a chance to start new and be anything you want to.
I dream that deep down every single person has a spark simply waiting to be lit a fire and never burn out.
I hope that everyone finds a unique way to show the world who they truly are and the potential they hold
I try to inspire those who have not yet discovered their passion
I am a strong, confident girl, and for me failure is never an option

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