Night in the Last Summer | Teen Ink

Night in the Last Summer

September 8, 2008
By Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stranger I am is standing here
Where I stood not three years ago
And my soul is full of a wicked doubt,
And my eyes are dark with fear
And my shadow is caught in an undertow
That is slowly taking me down
To the city that lies in the dark below
Where the air is heavy and brown
And the lights are lonely on the hills
It was here that I traded my luck in for sin
And my heart for a handful of pills;
And a headful of hot dark wicked thoughts
That are making the world spin
And now naked except for my scars,
I am staring up at the stars
That are spinning above through a haze
My hope lies lost in the dust of the road,
And my love left behind in the days.
I drink tequila on an empty stomach
And breathe smoke with empty eyes
I look down onto the leaden lake
And each star seems like a shining mistake
And my life is the cold night sky.

The author's comments:
A stylized interpretation of one of my last nights alone before leaving for college.

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