Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

May 10, 2013
By DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the ski slopes among various mountains and hills
From long car rides, and endless exploring
I am from the carefree days spent on the lake
I am from dandelions filling the yard, to tree blanketing us from the sun
I am from a line of jokesters
From my Dad, Uncle Greg, Uncle Rick, and Aunt Diane
I am from hardworking labor and never giving up
From being told to reach for the stars, and to never let go of your dreams
I am from early Sunday morning talks with God where family time is top priority
I am from the always changing Wisconsin weather, and home cooked meals
I am from the many pictures multiplying in bins
Of the days when memories were being made

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