Naming Myself | Teen Ink

Naming Myself

May 23, 2013
By Julia Sloan BRONZE, Blue Lake, California
Julia Sloan BRONZE, Blue Lake, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the Uruba tribe of Africa, children are named not only at birth but throughout their lives by their characteristics and the events that befall them.

The one created as a happy surprise
The one who never stopped jumping, bouncing and kicking
The one who brought the end of the warm months
Who finally came after hours of waiting
She who created the bond between families
A little one who changed the views of all the people around her
First drop in the ocean of three
Little girl who always tried to be in control
Princess of the fairies, sprites and elves
Daughter who rolled and laughed and always smiled
Freckles sprinkled across her nose like stars in the sky
Little girl playing soccer with daddy
Little girl shows her gymnastics to mommy
Teenager takes the world as her own
She who found her passion in art, in any way
or type or form
She who keeps her life in order
and always knows what's coming next
Who dances away the pains from her life
Daughter rain and daughter sun
One who works to get what she desires
Who knows she is only one thread in the tapestry of life
but wishes to be the brightest thread
She who wants to be a mother
She who is nothing without her sister
She who dreams of bigger things
new cities, marriage and babies of her own
She who wishes to see everything beautiful
the world has to offer
She who finds comfort in the pages of a books
She who loves unconditionally, even when she
maybe shouldn’t
Julia (for the glamorous photo of the lady
on the mantle)
Renee (for mama’s best friend who she’ll never
"Smith" (for the mother who mothered without
anyones help)
The one who cannot be stopped
The one who hides her emotions from all
Mama’s clone, while still her own
Daughter falls and gets back up
Daughter gives and gives and gives
Daughter cuddles in the dark
Daughter can and daughter will
Daughter who goes on and on,
naming herself more and more

The author's comments:
Inspired by Naming My Daughter by Patricia Fargnoli

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