Bella Rose | Teen Ink

Bella Rose

September 24, 2008
By Samantha Reyes SILVER, Coral Gables, Florida
Samantha Reyes SILVER, Coral Gables, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walks out of the club
And lights a camel
He gave her the snub
And her heart fell

She pulls down her fedora
Over her running eyes
Gloom radiates through her aura
while inside she cries

she takes a drag
and sits on the curb
her shoulders sag
he had given her his word

a light flashes
and she checks her phone
a moment passes
and she lets out a groan

she puts it out
rubs it in
she lost her doubt
she didn’t win

dries her eyes
bandages her heart
she’s not out of tries
ready for a new start

takes a breathe
walks back inside
there was nothing left
everything to hide

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