Flight of Fantasy | Teen Ink

Flight of Fantasy

July 4, 2013
By Anonymous

How high it flies, the flight of fantasy!
Capturing people of all ages, into the world of ecstasy!
Writers-J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer to name a few,
Have flown on this flight, bringing ideas exuberant and new.

Taking advantage of this experience exciting,
They have created worlds unimaginable in our society.
No corner of this world do these stories leave,
So fine, so perfect-grasping the reader's mind within cleaves.

Slowly,this flight, filmmakers join,
By adapting fantasy novels,many films they coin.
This is when the flight of fantasy reaches the clouds,
With every step, it goes out of its own bounds.

Without realizing, it inspires writers young,
To go and fetch their ticket to this flight-in the sky hung.
Making another bunch of teenagers tempted,
To taste a feeling 'out-of-the- world',with their minds rested.

'How much better can it get?'-ask many who read,
Only when a sequel releases, do their answer they reap.
However, there are many others who without going on this flight,
Attempt to challenge its power and might.

Yes,I was, of those challengers one;
Supporting unworthy bits of literature, until this flight had come.
It took my soul first, then my whole self,
Making me realize, I need to stock my book shelf!

The author's comments:
This was my first poetry writing competition.

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