Transient Infinity | Teen Ink

Transient Infinity

July 15, 2013
By Aurora.96 BRONZE, Walnut, California
Aurora.96 BRONZE, Walnut, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When all is said and all is done
Will there be anywhere else to hide, to run?
The words unspoken and the feelings hid
They never stood a chance in the innocent kid

There was something beautiful in the incessant roar
The way the leaves swirled and danced upon the floor
Spinning and twirling, humming with infinite life
While I sat there, weeping, in my infinite strife

"Oh I've seen that before--
been there, done that before"
Twinkling stars winked, then vanished forevermore
As I drifted further away, like the sea upon the shore

To constantly struggle against want and need
Perhaps to me, there was only one way to be freed
Closer and closer, I edge toward the end
All I had wanted was for the pain to mend.

"God, help me!"
I plead for Him to see
Losing my faith, my sanity
Show me again, what it is to be
Before I lose myself--what's left of me.

The author's comments:
I was lost for a while.

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