ESCAPE | Teen Ink


August 5, 2013
By extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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only god can turn a MESS into a MESSAGE, a TEST into TESTIMON, a TRIAL into a TRIUMPH,a VICTOM into a VICTORY.

can you listen to what's not said? can I? should I?.
I see the enclosed walls around me I'm just trying to break free. where's my way out? I waited and waited but you didn't mind ,now I'm standing all alone on the line on the battlefield without a protective shield. feeling all types of emotions wish I could just put them all in a bottle and toss it in the ocean. I got on my knees and began to beg but she laughed in my face instead. the gun is in the floor I crawled to reach for it and make my way out the door. but she attacked, I fought back, she pushed, I kicked, I took a big risk , she got her hand on the trigger...."please Please don't shoot"! she did it anyways but I dodged the bullet and beat her to it. I ran she caught up..."wait!!!" I'm not trying to hurt you I'm helping you break free from you which is me.....all you have to do is ESCAPE I'm the super hero who doesn't wear a CAPE!

The author's comments:
a dream I recently had inspired me to write "ESCAPE".I was running ,running from who? from me I had to break free.

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