Obsession | Teen Ink


October 9, 2013
By Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You wonder why I act this way,
I pray to god day by day,
Why are you obsessed with my life?
Why must you know every little detail about me?
You act as if you were my wife,
Infatuated with my life,
I close my eyes and wonder why,
Why you so mad with the things I do,
Why do you envy me?
Some petty anger,
Night time extremity,
No expectations of life,
Are you mad because I’m living happily?
Mad because you can’t live the life I live,
Is this the truth?
Mad because it can’t be me and you,
Because I don’t mess with girls that act like they two,
The anger, the rage, the envy,
You mad at the world,
Not me!

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