The Cats and My Life | Teen Ink

The Cats and My Life

October 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Wake up at 6:00 then go outside to feed the cats to feel the fresh morning air,
And I give the cats some love and care.

Sparky and Speed love to eat in the morning,
Even though it is very boring.

I do love to take care of my cats while they’re still small,
Then they decide to go around and crawl.

Then go inside to get breakfast and grab my backpack
Which means I have to have a cereal cutback.

I hear the bus coming so I run to catch the bus,
The bus driver decides to yell at us.

We get on the bus and leave our house,
Then all of a sudden there's a whole lot of chausse.

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this article was that i have to cats who i feed in the morning and then go eat breakfast for myself.

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