Resisting Sadness | Teen Ink

Resisting Sadness

December 13, 2013
By Tweak96 BRONZE, Carterville, Illinois
Tweak96 BRONZE, Carterville, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do not walk alone in the dark,
the darkness will consume you,
the dark beckons and says hark.

There is a nagging like a dog's bark,
your mind tells you to run away, to shoo,
do not walk alone in the dark.

The night can be as dangerous as a hungry shark,
or maybe as a demonic ghost who haunts you too,
the dark beckons and says hark.

You are to bravery as tree is to bark,
bravery has been stripped from you,
do not walk alone in the dark.

Do not let your friend roam into this hungry shark,
Scare them and turn them away and tell them to shoo,
the dark beckons and says hark.

It is too late for them they went into the dark,
they have gone and all alone stands you.
Do not walk alone in the dark.
The dark beckons and says hark.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write this to resemble the struggle that some people have with depression and anxiety. Some may watch their friends fall before them and they struggle even harder not to be consumed by the dark.

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